
Jan. 1 - Jan. 31Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag Program benefits ARC. ARC receives $1 for each bag sold this month.Hannaford Store - Rutland
Wed. Jan. 1New Year's Day - Office Closed
Mon. Jan. 20MLK Jr. Day - Office Closed
Thurs. Jan. 23SABE-R & AKtion Club MeetingsARC Office6:00 - 8:00 pm
Wed. Jan. 29ARC Board MeetingARC Office6:00 - 7:30 pm
Tues, Feb. 11SABE-R & AKtion Club MeetingsARC Office6:00 - 8:00 pm
Feb. 14 - 22Come Alive Outside - Rutland Winter Fest 2025Rutland Winter Fest 2025 Events Schedule:
Sun. Feb. 16Valentine's Day Dance
Canceled due to snow storm
Rutland Elks Lodge1:00 - 4:00 pm
Mon. Feb. 17President's Day - Office Closed
Wed. Feb. 26ARC Board MeetingARC Office6:00 - 7:30 pm
MARCH 2025Developmental Disabilities Awareness
Tues. Mar. 4VT City/Town ELECTION DAY! Please Vote YES in support of ARC funding.
Tues. Mar. 11SABE-R & AKtion Club MeetingsARC Office6:00 - 8:00 pm
Thurs. Mar. 20
This trip is CANCELED
SABE-R presentations to committee or Lt. Gov. office; meet with legislatorsState House -Montpelier11:00 am Arrival
Sun. Mar. 23Spring Fling DanceAmerican Legion Castleton1:00 - 4;00 pm
Wed. Mar. 26ARC Board MeetingARC Office6:00 - 7:30 pm
APRIL 2025
Tues. Apr. 8SABE-R & AKtion Club MeetingsARC Office6:00 - 8:00 pm
Tues. Apr. 15SABE-R Disability Acceptance Clinic Presentations to VSU - Castleton CampusCastleton10:00 am
Wed. Apr. 23ARC Board MeetingARC Office6:00 - 7:30 pm
Thurs. Apr. 24SABE-R Disability Acceptance Clinic Presentations to the VT Dept. of HealthVT Dept. of Health
Asa Bloomer Bldg. Rutland
10:00 am
Mon. & Tues. Apr. 28 & 29GMSA Voices and Choices Conference - for SABE-R GroupBurlingtonAll Day
MAY 2025
Tues. May 13SABE-R & AKtion Club MeetingsARC Office6:00 - 8:00 pm
Sun. May 18Rescheduled Valentines DanceRutland Elks Lodge1:00 - 4:00 pm
Mon. May 26Memorial Day - Office Closed
Wed. May 28ARC Board MeetingARC Office6:00 - 7:30 pm
JUNE 2025Pride Month
Tues. June 10SABE-R & AKtion Club MeetingsARC Office6:00 - 8:00 pm
Thurs. June 19June Teenth Holiday - Office Closed
Sun. June 22Summer Splash @ Bomoseen
Sponsored by Come Alive Outside
Bomoseen Pavilion11:00 - 3:00 pm
Wed. June 25ARC Board MeetingARC Office6:00 - 7:30 pm
JULY 2025Disability Pride Month
Fri. July 4Fourth of July - Holiday Office Closed
Tues. July 8SABE-R & AKtion Club MeetingsARC Office6:00 - 8:00 pm
Sat. July 12 (Tentative Date)Family Fun Day (Kiwanis Club & ARC) Pittsford Recreational Center - Pittsford, VT12 pm - 3 pm
Wed. July 23ARC Board MeetingARC Office6:00 - 7:30 pm
Tues. Aug. 5National Night OutMeadow St. Park - Rutland4:00 - 7:00 pm
Tues. Aug. 12SABE-R & AKtion Club MeetingsARC Office6:00 - 8:00 pm
Wed. Aug. 27ARC Board MeetingARC Office6:00 - 7:30 pm
Mon. Sept. 1Labor Day Holiday - Office Closed
Tues. Sept. 9SABE-R & AKtion Club MeetingsARC Office6:00 - 8:00 pm
ARC Rutland Area Barn Picnic1325 East Main St. Poultney, VT. Please RSVP to 802-775-1370 by if you plan to attend.12:00 - 3:00 pm
Wed. Sept. 24ARC Board MeetingARC Office6:00 - 7:30 pm
OCTOBER 2025National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)
Mon. Oct. 13Indigenous Peoples' Day Holiday - Office Closed
Tues. Oct. 14SABE-R & AKtion Club MeetingsARC Office6:00 - 8:00 pm
Sat. Oct. 25Halloween ParadeIn front of ARC Office/Service Building6:00 pm
TBDHalloween DanceTBD1:00 - 4:00 pm
Wed. Oct. 29ARC Board MeetingARC Office6:00 - 7:30 pm
Tues. Nov. 11Veterans' Day Holiday - Office Closed
TBDSABE-R & AKtion Club MeetingsARC Office6:00 - 8:00 pm
TBDBudget MeetingARC Office1:00 - 2:30 pm
Wed. Nov. 19ARC Board MeetingARC Office6:00 - 7:30 pm
Thurs. Nov. 27Thanksgiving Day - Office Closed
Dec. 1 - 15As a Sunshine Fund Awardee, ARC is the partner "On Tap" in Lawson's Finest Liquids taproom. During this time period, ARC will receive 100% of the donations made to the Sunshine Fund by their patrons.155 Carroll Rd.
Waitsfield, VT 05673
Tues. Dec. 2Giving TuesdayPlease support ARC Rutland Area by donating at

Tues. Dec. 9SABE-R & AKtion Club MeetingsARC Office6:00 - 8:00 pm
TBDAnnual Meeting & Holiday DanceRutland Elks Lodge12:00 - 4:00 pm
Wed. Dec. 25Christmas Day - Office Closed


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