Diane Drake – Executive Director
Diane moved from Connecticut to Salisbury in 1980. She owned an Auto parts store in Middlebury until 1988. She moved to Benson in 2000. Diane has worked in Rutland, Springfield, and Burlington as a paralegal for 30 years and all-over New England as a special education advocate for 25 years. She has raised three children and obtained her master’s degree at Champlain College in 2017. “Finally, back working in Rutland with the disabled population and loving the Rutland Community!”
Janet Long – Representative Payee
Jess Corey – Admin. Assistant
ARC Rutland Area Board of Directors:
Board Officers:
President: Melissa Stevens
Vice President: Open
Treasurer: Tim Wing
Secretary: Jennifer McNeil
Board Members:
John B. Wing
Herman Goldberg
Become a Board Member of ARC Rutland Area
Is it important to you that persons with developmental disabilities be regarded as valued citizens with the same entitlements as non-disabled individuals? Is it also important to you that this group of individuals be provided with opportunities for full participation within the community? If you truly believe in these human rights and are willing to advocate for this population, a Board of Director’s position at ARC Rutland Area is for you!
ARC Rutland Area believes that all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are defined by their own strengths, abilities and inherent value, not by their disability and that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are entitled to the respect, dignity, equality, safety, and security accorded to other members of society. ARC Rutland Area works diligently to assure that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities belong in the community and have fundamental moral, civil and constitutional rights to be fully included and actively participate in all aspects of society. The Board of Directors, comprised of local professionals and advocates , works collaboratively with the Executive Director, in guiding ARC Rutland Area toward achieving the stated goals in their action plans.
This volunteer position is rewarding, enriching, and visionary. You will have the wonderful opportunity of impacting hundreds of lives in many positive ways through advocacy and engagement.
If you are interested, please contact Diane Drake at ARC Rutland Area, 802-775-1370 or at [email protected]